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KS3 Curriculum Guide - Year 7 Spanish
Term 1/Term 2Mi vida   
Students will get used to Spanish pronunciation whilst learning how to introduce themselves, talking about their own personality and other people's using the verb 'tener' and 'ser' and a variety of adjectives. They will be introduced to numbers and months in order to talk about birthdays and use simple connectives and definite and indefinite articles.
Assessment: During Term 1, students will be tested on the vocabulary weekly. At the end of term, students will sit a listening and a reading assessment. Both task test understanding of short extracts made up of familiar language in the context of animals and family. The assessment is in the format of multiple-choice questions and short text answers. Key Words and Terms
Term 2/Term 3Mi tiempo libre   
Students will consider leisure activities, how to describe the weather and revisit giving opinions. They will be introduced to more variety of regular verbs in the present tense and infinitives after 'gustar'.
Assessment: Students will be assessed regularly on their vocabulary knowledge of this topic. The speaking focus allows students to take part in a simple conversation, asking and giving information about hobbies. They will also complete two translation tasks. Key Words and Terms
Term 4/Term 5 Mi insti   
Students will learn to describe school subjects and facilities and justify their opinions using connectives. Listening skills will be developed with particular focus on context. Students will read about the right to education in developing countries.
Assessment: Students will be assessed weekly on vocabulary. The end of term assessment will consist of a reading and listening assessment. These tasks test the understanding of a short extracts made up of familiar language in context of school life Key Words and Terms
Term 5/Term 6Mi familia y mis amigos   
Students will talk about family members, friends and their houses, how to describe their own appearance and the appearance of others. They will use possessive adjectives and will deliver a presentation about where people live using descriptive language, expressing and justifying opinions.
Assessment: Students will be assessed weekly on the vocabulary for this module. The speaking task at the end of the unit allows students to prepare a presentation about their family members. They will also complete a short creative writing task. Key Words and Terms
