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 Bristol Free School

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Tutorial Programme

Tutors play a central role in the personal and academic success of every student. They have daily contact with each student in their group and are an integral part of academic monitoring and support. Tutors are the first point of contact for parents; and they will also facilitate other meetings with senior staff or subject teachers if needed. Parents and Carers receive clear, frequent feedback on their child’s learning and we ensure that they receive regular updates on performance.

We regard our relationship with home as a partnership to promote the success and happiness of our students. The school’s tutorial programme is designed to help students develop study skills, social responsibility, self confidence and respect for others, both in school and beyond. Tutor groups lead assemblies, and showcase activities. Student responsibility is a big part of Bristol Free School and our students play a part in inducting new Year 7s, through the 'Wellbeing Ambassador' scheme.

In terms of representation, students from each year group are elected to the Student Council, which plays a real role in reviewing school policy; the current Code of Conduct and Anti-Bulling Policy was written by the Student Council. We are sure that our approach is working because visitors to our school so often comment on the wonderful atmosphere at Bristol Free School; and the respectful, friendly relationships between students - and between students and adults.

In most instances, and for most queries, your child’s tutor will be the first port of call as they are the people who have an overview of all aspects of your child’s development and progress in school. They are excellent conduits between home and school.

Structure of the programme:

The tutorial programme involves 5 weekly sessions that run from 8:30am until 9:30am:

  • Assembly – led and coordinated by the Senior Team and Year Leaders, but also delivered by staff & students and guest speakers
  • Logistics (diary signing, notices, equipment / uniform check) / literacy / numeracy time
  • Themed tutorial sessions
  • Current Affairs session
  • Literacy and Numeracy session

 Students will also have time for silent reading - they are expected to bring a book to school.

An exemplar weekly structure:




Tutorial session / Logistics / DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)


Literacy/Numeracy session


Themed Tutorial session


Current Affairs



