Here the focus is on urban growth and change which are seemingly
ubiquitous processes and present significant environmental and social challenges for human populations. The section examines these processes and challenges and the issues associated with them, in particular the potential for environmental sustainability and social cohesion. Engaging with these themes in a range of urban settings from contrasting areas of the world affords the opportunity for students to appreciate human diversity and develop awareness and insight into profound questions of opportunity, equity and sustainability.
Assessment takes place through a range of exam style questions, including data response and longer answer essay style questions. Assessment is ongoing throughout the topic with a longer assessment once content is completed.
This section focuses on the lithosphere and the atmosphere, which intermittently but regularly present natural hazards to human populations, often in dramatic and sometimes catastrophic fashion. By exploring the origin and nature of these hazards and the various ways in which people respond to them, students are able to engage with many dimensions of the relationships between people and the environments they occupy. Areas of study include volcanic, seismic, storm and fire hazards and the different elements of managing and responding to these events
Assessment takes place through a range of exam style questions, including data response and longer answer essay style questions. Assessment is ongoing throughout the topic with a longer assessment once content is completed.
Students will begin revisiting content of the previous topics in preparation for their exams. They will then be able to cover any further content necessary or revise topics fully to be best prepared for forthcoming examinations. Students continue to work on their own on contextualising, analysing and reporting of their work to produce an independent investigation with an individual title that demonstrates required fieldwork knowledge, skills and understanding.
Mock examinations. Ongoing content test throughout the terms to revisit earlier Year 12 and 13 topics.
Through a mixture of exam style questions and knowledge tests students will review and revise content in preparation for their summer examinations.
Exam style questions will be used regularly throughout the two terms.